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Dr.Santha Govind secured her B.Sc.(Ag.), M.Sc.(Ag.) and Ph.D. in Agricultural Extension from Tamil Nadu Agricultural University, Coimbatore, Tamil Nadu. Started her academic career in 1985 in the Department of Agricultural Extension, Faculty of Agriculture, Annamalai University. Served as Professor and Head, Department of Agricultural Extension for more than 3 years and later appointed as Dean, Faculty of Agriculture. She has 35 years of rich experience in teaching and research. Her main focus of research was on empowerment of farm women. She has handled UG, PG and Ph.D courses in Agricultural Extension. Acted as Research Supervisor for 29 PG students and 8 Ph.D. Scholars. She was recipient of Young Scientist Award conferred by Indian Society of Extension Education, New Delhi. Founder member of International Federation for Women in Agriculture, ICAR, New Delhi.
Completed UGC Minor Research Project on “Training Needs of Farm Women in Eco-Friendly Technologies” and an ICAR Extramural Project on “Dissemination of Agricultural Technologies to Farm Women through IMCD-An Experimental Study”. She has published 131 Research papers in reputed national and international journals, edited 5 technical booklets and 31 chapters in edited books. Published a book on ‘Extension Education and Rural Development’ and published ebook on “Computer Aided Transfer of Technology in Agriculture: An Impact Study in India”, Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. Developed E-Content for the PG course in Extension Education under ePG Pathashala, MHRD Project, UGC, New Delhi. Edited one book, 3 training manuals and 5 seminar proceedings. Co-ordinator for the “Seed Plant Production” NSQF/ NSSDC based skill Programme under Tamilnadu State Project Directorate, RUSA2.0, Member of the Board of Governors (BOG) Annamalai Univesity, for RUSA 2.0 under MHRD, Government of Tamilnadu, Annamalai University.
She has organised National Conference on ‘Sustainable Agriculture and Rural Livelihoods’ and an International Conference on ‘Recent Trends in Agriculture towards Food Security and Rural Livelihood Constraints Faced by the Farm Women in the Adoption of Sustainable Dairy Management Technologies’. Further, organised Training Programmes on ‘Good Teaching Practices’ for the Teaching Faculty of Annamalai University and “Vocational Skill-oriented Training Programme on Kitchen Gardening and Flower Arrangement” for Women Self Help Members and organised Workshop on “Application of ICT for Women Empowerment” under the ICAR project. Prepared Course Material for the PG course –MA in Extension Management for ‘Extension Teaching Methods and Techniques’ and for Master of Rural Management for ‘Virivakka Karpithal Muraigal Matrum Nutpangal’.
Served as Member of Faculty, Faculty of Agriculture, A.U, Member of Board of Studies, Department of Agricultural Extension, AU, Member of Curriculum Revision Committee for M.Sc. Agrl. Extension programme, AU, Member of the PG Programme Board of Examination in Agricultural Extension, AU, Member of Board of Studies for the Centre for Futures Studies, Gandhigram Rural Deemed University, Gandhigram, Dindigul, Member of the Inspection Committee for Inspection of Colleges, Pondicherry University in Karaikal and Member of the UG Board of Studies in Agriculture/Horticulture of Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru College of Agriculture and Research Institute (PAJANCOA), Karaikal, Pondicherry State.
External member of Staff Selection Committee of Community Polytechnic Scheme of Muthiah Polytechnic College, Annamalainagar, External Member for the Promotion of Professor under CAS of UGC at Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu, External Selection Committee Member for the Staff Selection Committee for the posts of Assistant Registrar/Section Officer, Annamalai University, External Expert for the Selection Committee for the Teaching Staff through Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) for the Department of Agricultural Extension, PAJANCOA, Karaikal, Pondicherry. External Assessor for the assessment of Publications for promotion to Professor, Department of Agricultural Extension and Gender Studies, University of Development Studies, Tamale, Ghana and External Assessor to evaluate the research publications for the promotion of Professor under CAS at Gandhigram Rural Institute, Gandhigram, Dindigul District, Tamil Nadu.
External examiner for conducting qualifying examinations for Ph.D. students of the Department of Agricultural Extension at various universities viz., TNAU, Coimbatore, Gandhigram Rural University, Gandhigram, College of Agriculture, Vellayani, Thiruvananthapuram, KAU, University of Agricultural Sciences, Bangalore, Karnataka, Mahatma Phule Krishi Vidyapeeth (MPKV) , Rahuri, Maharashtra, TNAU, AC&RI, Madurai and External examiner for conducting qualifying examinations for M.Sc. (Ag.) students of the Department of Agricultural Extension, UAS, Dharwad, Karnataka.
Deputy Superintendent for the State Level Eligibility Test, State chairperson for State Anti-Corruption Cell-Tamilnadu, AIASA Cabinet / Governing Board, New Delhi, Executive Councilor Member, Indian Society of Extension Education, TNAU, Coimbatore. Associate Editor, Society of Extension Education, Coimbatore, Member of the Editorial Review Board for the Amity Journal of Agribusiness (AJAB) and Member of the Editorial Board of the International Journal ‘Agriculture Update’ of Hindu-Horticultural Society, U.P.
Served as NSS programme officer, Advisor for Social Service League, Warden, Ladies Hostel, Annamalai University with 3000 students for 8 years, Literary Secretary, Staff Recreation Club, Annamalai University and President of Indian Federation of University Women’s Association, Annamalainagar, Chidambaram Chapter. She has visited Malayesia as part of her academic career.