Crop Protection
Department of Crop Protection carries out teaching on pests and disease management of field & horticultural crops, storage pest, nematode management, bee keeping, sericulture and mushroom production technologies.
Disciplines :
- Agricultural Entomology
- Plant Nematology
- Plant Pathology

Instructional Units :
- Sick Plot Unit - Pests & Disease
Production Units :
- Mushroom Production Unit
- Apiculture Unit & Sericulture Unit
Hands on Training :
- Rearing the crop pests and mass culturing of predators, parasitoids and its releasing methods.
- Practicing plant protection components like light traps, yellow sticky trap, sex pheromone trap and aggregation trap in fields.
- Plant diseases, diagnosis based on characteristic symptoms and isolation of microorganism.
- Extracting nematodes through specific techniques such as Cobb’s decanting method and centrifugal floatation method.