International Day of Yoga

International Day of Yoga of the year 2018 was celebrated on 21st June, at Tamil Nadu Agriculture University, Coimbatore, in the presence of Dr. N.A.Perumal (Director General Mission, Aliyar), A.R.Pachaiyappan, (President, WSCS, Coimbatore), P. Haridoss (Secretary, WCSC, Coimbatore), A.Ramalakshmi (Yoga Instructor), Registrar, Deans and 350 students. A total of 59 NSS volunteers of our Dhanalakshmi Srinivasan Agriculture College, Perambalur, actively participated in the event. The Yoga instructor conducted the session with trainers. A total of 4 exercises (hand exercise, neural muscular practice, leg exercise) which come under the ‘Vaazhga Valamudan’ of Yogi. Thiru. Vethathri Maharishi and four yogasanas (Thadasana, Utkatasana, Thirikonasana, Sidewise Chakrasana) were done by the students in a yogic manner. Dr. N.A.Perumal delivered a lecture on the importance of yoga. The event ended up with prayer successfully.